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CMFTO™ – 3rd Annual Clutter Challenge

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For the past two years, we have been setting aside one month in the spring to tackle editing specific areas in our homes. Over the past two years, we have looked at everything from medicine cabinets, to pantries, to media collections.

This year, we’re putting a different lens on clutter, and we’re dedicating the month of March to clearing out when you’re an “empty-nester.” Each week we’ll address a common area of concern for those undergoing the process of right-sizing. Whether it’s decades of linens or an adult child’s belongings, we share ideas on how to move through the editing process.

As inspiration for the projects ahead, we found this rather timely and insightful article complete with actual responses to getting rid of all that stuff:

‘Nobody Wants Your Parents’ Stuff’

As you can see, it’s not always the easiest topic to address, but with a little guidance and support, it no longer has to feel so overwhelming.

Join us for our 3rd Annual Clutter Challenge, starting next week and running through the month of March!

All my best,

To revisit any of the topics from the previous two years, just click on the link below:

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