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Why It Works: Versatility

Since we are rightsizing specialists, and as many of you or your clients are rightsizing, this week we explore the idea of versatility. In the pages of one of our favorite magazines (House Beautiful) we stumbled upon this image and thought it was a good example of versatility.

Versatility is all about creating multi-purpose spaces. Versatility makes rightsizing easier.
casualA large repurposed table is the ultimate in versatility. Here are just a few examples of how this one item can transform into a multi-tasker:

– Add some upholstered chairs to an existing table, pull it away from the wall and Voilå! – Instant dinner party for eight!-

– Leave the table in its place, pull up a functional and comfortable chair and it becomes a great desk and home office space.

– Add a votive and a wine bucket and it is an intimate setting for any night of the week for dinner for two.

– Use the bench and a few extra chairs and you have a fully functional conference table.

Planning a room with an eye toward versatility makes the space more inviting and functional. Selecting pieces to accomplish this goal is key. A kitchen table transforms into an elegant dining table, desk, or conference space in this week’s Why It Works.

All my best,

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